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September 2014 Board Meeting Actions

admin September 30, 2014

PALMDALE, CA, September 30, 2014 – The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING:

  • Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: minutes of regular meeting held August 27, 2014; payment of bills for September 10, 2014; Recruitment for vacant Operations Manager position (Human Resources Director Emery/Personnel Committee); Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between Palmdale Water District and Butte County for Long-Term Lease of a Portion of Butte County’s State Water Project Table A Water Supply (Water & Energy Resources Director Pernula); and Resolution No. 14-15 Approving the Antelope Valley State Water Contractors Association Budget for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 ($17,898.00 – Budgeted – Assistant General Manager Knudson).
  • Consideration and possible action on revisions to Appendix M Boundary Map of the District’s Rules and Regulations. (Assistant General Manager Knudson/Finance Committee): It was unanimously carried to approve revisions to the Local Contractor and Vendor Boundary Map included in the District’s Bid Procurement and Change Order Policy as Appendix M. The revisions more clearly define the boundaries for local contractors or vendors.
  • Consideration and possible action on Project Labor Agreement By and Between the Palmdale Water District and Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council and the Signatory Craft Councils and Unions. (General Manager LaMoreaux/Finance Committee): It was unanimously carried to approve the Project Labor Agreement. This Agreement enhances the District’s bid process for large construction projects and offers more opportunity for local hires and the use of apprentices through apprenticeship programs.
  • Consideration and possible action on Employee Handbook Update. (Human Resources Director Emery/Personnel Committee): It was unanimously carried to approve the Employee Handbook update.
  • Consideration and possible action on addition of JPIA account based health plan to the District’s existing health plan options. (Human Resources Director Emery/Personnel Committee): It was unanimously carried to add an account based health plan to the District’s existing health plan options. This addition offers employees another option for health care at no cost to the District.
  • Consideration and possible action on Board and staff attendance at conferences, seminars, and training sessions as follows: California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions’ (CALAFCO) Annual Conference to be held October 15 – 17, 2014 in Ontario and Water Education Foundation Northern California Tour 2014 Field Trip to be held October 22 – 24, 2014: It was unanimously carried to approve Board and staff attendance at these conferences.

The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING:

  • Public hearing to consider proposed water rate structure change and overall rate increase based on Bartle Wells Study pursuant to Proposition 218. (Finance Manager Williams/Bartle Wells Associates): It was unanimously carried to open the public hearing, receive public comment, and close the public hearing regarding the proposed water rate structure changes and the overall rate increase based on the Bartle Wells Study pursuant to Proposition 218. It was also unanimously carried to approve 331 valid protests received and the additional nine protests received after the deadline for receiving protests.
  • Consideration and possible action on Resolution No. 14-16 Approving Changes in Rates, Fees, and Charges for Water Service. (Finance Manager Williams/Bartle Wells Associates): It was unanimously carried to open the public comment period for Resolution No. 14-16, receive public comment, and close the public comment period. Resolution No. 14-16 was then approved revising the rate structure equalizing 5/8” and 1” meter charges, establishing a drought surcharge, and setting a cap of 5.5% annually for the next five years on rate increases. Annual rate increases will be evaluated through the budget process, and rates cannot be set higher than the 5.5% cap.

The Board of Directors of the Palmdale Water District, with five Directors present, considered the following matters at the SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING:

  • Consent calendar items were unanimously approved as follows: approval of minutes of regular meeting held September 10, 2014 and payment of bills for September 24, 2014.
  • Consideration and possible action on award of contract for meter procurement for upcoming meter replacement project. ($725,000.00 – Budgeted – Assistant General Manager Knudson): It was unanimously carried to table this item to the next regular Board meeting, and staff was directed to obtain additional information within the specifications of the original bid for Specification No. 1403.
  • Consideration and possible action on revisions to the District’s VSP Vision Plan ($10,296.00 annually – Non- Budgeted – Human Resources Director Emery/Personnel Committee): It was unanimously carried to revise the District’s VSP Vision Plan in the annual amount of $10,296.00.
  • Consideration and possible action on Board and staff attendance at conferences, seminars, and training sessions as follows: American Water Works Association Customer Service Workshop to be held September 30 to October 1, 2014 in San Diego: It was unanimously carried to approve Board and staff attendance at this conference.

The Palmdale Water District Board of Director meetings are held twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. The next regular Board meeting will be held October 8, 2014. Board meetings are held at the District’s office at 2029 East Avenue Q, Palmdale, and the public is invited to attend.

CONTACT: Dennis LaMoreaux, General Manager, 661-947-4111 x(1017)

Cover for Palmdale Water District
Palmdale Water District

Palmdale Water District

The overall objective of the District is to make available the highest quality water at the lowest price.

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🚧 Lane Closure Alert 🚧
Access to our main office via Avenue Q is a right-turn only for entry and exit due to ongoing construction. Lane closures are taking place Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.- 4 p.m., and will last several weeks. Please plan accordingly, drive carefully and follow the detour routes! 🛣️ #PWD #construction #Alert #traffic
🚧 Alerta de cierre de carril 🚧
El acceso a nuestra oficina principal a través de la Avenida Q es un giro a la derecha sólo para la entrada y salida debido a la construcción en curso. Los cierres de carriles tienen lugar de lunes a viernes, de 7 a.m. a 4 p.m., y durarán varias semanas. Por favor, planifique en consecuencia, conduzca con cuidado y siga las rutas de desvío. 🛣️ #PWD #construcción #Alerta #Tráfico
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🚧 Lane Closure Alert 🚧
Access to our main office via Avenue Q is a right-turn only for entry and exit due to ongoing construction. Lane closures are taking place Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.- 4 p.m., and will last several weeks. Please plan accordingly, drive carefully and follow the detour routes! 🛣️ #PWD #CONSTRUCTION #ALERT #TRAFFIC 
🚧 Alerta de cierre de carril 🚧
El acceso a nuestra oficina principal a través de la Avenida Q es un giro a la derecha sólo para la entrada y salida debido a la construcción en curso. Los cierres de carriles tienen lugar de lunes a viernes, de 7 a.m. a 4 p.m., y durarán varias semanas. Por favor, planifique en consecuencia, conduzca con cuidado y siga las rutas de desvío. 🛣️ #PWD #CONSTRUCCIÓN #ALERTA #TRÁFICO

PWD wishes everyone a peaceful Martin Luther King Jr. Day! #holiday #PWD
PWD desea a todos un pacífico Día de Martin Luther King Jr. #festividad #PWD
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PWD wishes everyone a peaceful Martin Luther King Jr. Day! #Holiday #PWD
PWD desea a todos un pacífico Día de Martin Luther King Jr. #Festividad #PWD

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Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.🇺🇸

Calling all water enthusiasts! Sign up for the award-winning PWD Water Ambassadors Academy and dive into a one-of-a-kind experience! 🏆 Learn about water treatment, conservation, and how we’re shaping the future of water in our community. 💙 Space is limited, so don’t miss your chance to be part of this exciting journey!
📅 April 9,16,23, & 26
📍 Palmdale Water District
👉 Sign up now at and join the next generation of water ambassadors!
¡Llamamiento a todos los entusiastas del agua! Inscríbete en la galardonada Academia de Embajadores del Agua de PWD y sumérgete en una experiencia única. 🏆 Aprende sobre el tratamiento del agua, la conservación y cómo estamos dando forma al futuro del agua en nuestra comunidad. 💙 Las plazas son limitadas, ¡así que no pierdas la oportunidad de formar parte de este emocionante viaje!
📅 9,16,23 y 26 de abril
📍 Distrito de Aguas de Palmdale
👉 ¡Inscríbete ahora en y únete a la próxima generación de embajadores del agua!
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Calling all water enthusiasts! Sign up for the award-winning PWD Water Ambassadors Academy and dive into a one-of-a-kind experience! 🏆 Learn about water treatment, conservation, and how we’re shaping the future of water in our community. 💙 Space is limited, so don’t miss your chance to be part of this exciting journey!
📅 April 9,16,23, & 26
📍 Palmdale Water District
👉 Sign up now at and join the next generation of water ambassadors! 
¡Llamamiento a todos los entusiastas del agua! Inscríbete en la galardonada Academia de Embajadores del Agua de PWD y sumérgete en una experiencia única. 🏆 Aprende sobre el tratamiento del agua, la conservación y cómo estamos dando forma al futuro del agua en nuestra comunidad. 💙 Las plazas son limitadas, ¡así que no pierdas la oportunidad de formar parte de este emocionante viaje!
📅 9,16,23 y 26 de abril
📍 Distrito de Aguas de Palmdale
👉 ¡Inscríbete ahora en y únete a la próxima generación de embajadores del agua!

Check out Op-Tech Darren Dykes and the team unloading a 24-inch concrete mortar-lined cylinder pipe! A big thank you to the team for their hard work. We’re always working behind the scenes to ensure the best service for our community. 💪 #PWD #OPTECHS
Vea a Darren Dykes, de Op-Tech, y al equipo descargando un tubo cilíndrico de 24 pulgadas revestido de mortero de hormigón. Muchas gracias al equipo por su duro trabajo. Siempre estamos trabajando entre bastidores para garantizar el mejor servicio para nuestra comunidad. 💪 #PWD #OPTECHS
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Check out Op-Tech Darren Dykes and the team unloading a 24-inch concrete mortar-lined cylinder pipe! A big thank you to the team for their hard work. We’re always working behind the scenes to ensure the best service for our community. 💪 #PWD #OPTECHS 
Vea a Darren Dykes, de Op-Tech, y al equipo descargando un tubo cilíndrico de 24 pulgadas revestido de mortero de hormigón. Muchas gracias al equipo por su duro trabajo. Siempre estamos trabajando entre bastidores para garantizar el mejor servicio para nuestra comunidad. 💪 #PWD #OPTECHS

🚨 Freeze Warning continues for Antelope Valley! 🚨
Temperatures will drop to 18°F tonight, 1/14, through tomorrow morning, 1/15. Protect your water pipes:
-Insulate exposed pipes with a pool noodle
-Let faucets drip overnight
-Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses

Stay safe and warm! ❄️💧
#FreezeWarning #PWD #antelopevalley #protectyourpipes
🚨 ¡Continúa la alerta por heladas en Antelope Valley! 🚨
Las temperaturas descenderán a 18 ° F esta noche, 1/14, hasta mañana por la mañana, 1/15. Proteja sus tuberías de agua:
Aísle las tuberías expuestas con un fideo de piscina
Deje gotear los grifos durante la noche
Desconecte y drene las mangueras exteriores
¡Manténgase seguro y caliente! ❄️💧
#alertacongelación #PWD #antelopevalley #protegetustuberías
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🚨 Freeze Warning continues for Antelope Valley! 🚨
Temperatures will drop to 18°F tonight, 1/14, through tomorrow morning, 1/15. Protect your water pipes:
-Insulate exposed pipes with a pool noodle
-Let faucets drip overnight
-Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses

Stay safe and warm! ❄️💧
#FreezeWarning #PWD #AntelopeValley #ProtectYourPipes
🚨 ¡Continúa la alerta por heladas en Antelope Valley! 🚨
Las temperaturas descenderán a 18 ° F esta noche, 1/14, hasta mañana por la mañana, 1/15. Proteja sus tuberías de agua:
Aísle las tuberías expuestas con un fideo de piscina
Deje gotear los grifos durante la noche
Desconecte y drene las mangueras exteriores
¡Manténgase seguro y caliente! ❄️💧
#AlertaCongelación #PWD #AntelopeValley #ProtegeTusTuberías
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